Mastering Equipment Rental: Navigating Time Constraints and Budgeting

Filming a National Geographic Documentary at Heijō Palace: A DFS Productions Case Study

At DFS Productions, we recently had the opportunity to collaborate on an exciting project with a Chinese production company to film a segment for a National Geographic documentary. This project focused on capturing the historical beauty of Heijō Palace in Nara, Japan, and we provided comprehensive technical support throughout the shoot.

Project Overview

The primary goal of the shoot was to document the reconstruction efforts of Heijō Palace for National Geographic’s documentary. The Chinese production company led the overall project, with the bulk of the filming taking place in China. The Japanese segment was focused on supplementing that content with interviews and scenic shots of the palace. The director traveled from Tokyo to Nara for the shoot, while DFS Productions handled the technical aspects, including camera operation and sound recording.

Filming Details

  • Filming Date: 1-day shoot
  • Crew: DFS Productions provided a director of photography (DP), assistant camera (AC), and a sound technician. A fixer and the director joined the team from outside.
  • Equipment: We used the Canon C300 MKII for the main interview shots and the Canon C70 mounted on a gimbal for B-roll footage. We also employed simple lighting setups with two flat lights and a spotlight for backlighting, and the Aputure 300D Mark II for detailed shots of a large-scale model of Heijō Palace at the Nara City Office.
  • Shooting Locations: Key interviews took place inside a replica of a building under construction at Heijō Palace, and exterior shots were captured with the Suzaku Gate in the background. Detailed B-roll footage highlighted the intricate architecture, and we wrapped up the day filming the large Heijō Palace model.

Challenges and Solutions

The primary challenge during the shoot was the strong winds, which made audio recording difficult. However, with our experience in similar conditions, we mitigated these issues with appropriate sound solutions. Due to time constraints, we had our AC operate the C70 independently to capture B-roll footage on a gimbal, allowing us to efficiently gather the necessary content.

Delivering Client Satisfaction

The project was a success, and the client was highly satisfied with the footage. We were later contacted to provide credits for the documentary, a clear indication of their appreciation for our work. While they requested names in both English and Chinese, we advised them to stick with English for clarity.

Future Projects and International Collaboration

DFS Productions specializes in working with international clients on projects throughout Japan, particularly in Nara, Kyoto, and Osaka. Our team is experienced in handling diverse production needs, offering the flexibility and expertise required for high-quality results. Whether you're looking for camera operation, location management, or technical support, DFS Productions is ready to be your trusted partner in Japan.